Developing an agenda and a roadmap
for achieving full digital language
equality in Europe by 2030

Members of the ELE consortium at META-FORUM 2022

Members of the ELE consortium at META-FORUM 2022

First onsite Meeting at the META-FORUM 2022 (9 June, 2022)
First row from left to right: John Judge (DCU), Maite Melero (BSC), Maria Giagkou (ILSP), Kristine Eide (LCNOR), Frieda Steurs (INT), Marko Tadić (FFZG), Khalid Choukri (ELDA), Antonio Branco (FCULisbon), Svetla Koeva (IBL), Andrés Garcia-Silva (EXPSYS), Tereza Vojtěchová (CUNI), Annika Grützner-Zahn (DFKI), Vincent Vandeghinste (INT), Joachim Van den Bogaert (CRSLNG)
Second row from left to right: Tom Vanallemeersch (CRSLNG), Katrin Marheinecke (DFKI), Teresa Lynn (DCU), Maria Eskevich (CLARIN), Jane Dunne (DCU), Inguna Skadiņa (IMCS), Krister Lindén (UHEL), Tamás Váradi (NYTK), Dan Tufis (ICIA), Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson (SAM), Stelios Piperidis (ILSP), Gerhard Backfried (HENS), Maria Gavriilidou (ILSP), Athanasia Kolovou (ILSP),
Third row from left to right: German Rigau (UPV/EHU), Georg Rehm (DFKI), Ian Roberts (USFD), François Yvon (CNRS), Federico Gaspari (DCU), Andrejs Vasiļjevs (TILDE), Philippe Gelin (European Commission), Maciej Ogrodniczuk (IPIPAN), Jan Hajič (CUNI), Oliver Blake (LIBER), Rémi Calizzano (DFKI), Gareth Watkins (BNGR), Jens Peter Kückens (DFKI), Itziar Aldabe (UPV/EHU), Aritz Farwell (UPV/EHU)

Missing Consortium Members:

European Federation of National Institutes for Language (EFNIL)
European Language Equality Network (ELEN)
European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism (ECSPM)
University of Leiden (ULEI)
Eurescom (ERSCM)
Wikimedia Deutschland (WMD)
Xcelerator Machine Translations Ltd. (KNTN)
Semantic Web Company GmbH (SWC)
University of Vienna (UVIE)
University of Antwerp (UANTW)
University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
University of Tartu (UTART)
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
Institute of the Lithuanian Language (LKI)
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
University of Malta (UM)
University of Cyprus (UCY)
Slovak Academy of Sciences (JULS)
Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI)
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
University of Zurich (UZH)
University of Vigo (UVIGO)