Developing an agenda and a roadmap
for achieving full digital language
equality in Europe by 2030


The second annual ELE Conference

Logo Meta-Forum 2023

27 June 2023
Brussels, Belgium

Image of the Grote Market, © Steve Collis, adapted by Annika Grützner-Zahn


8:30 Doors open – Registration
Session 1: Opening – European Language Equality
9:00 Welcome – Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany; Co-coordinator ELE)
9:15 Keynote – Jordi Solé (Member of the European Parliament)
9:30 ELE: General Overview and Book Presentation – Andy Way and Georg Rehm (Dublin City University, Ireland; DFKI, Germany)
9:45 New Features in the Digital Language Equality Dashboard and an Update of the Cross-language Comparison – Maria Giagkou / Stelios Piperidis (ILSP, R.C. “Athena”, Greece)
10:00 ELE Strategic Research, Innovation and Implementation Agenda – Revisited – Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany)
10:15 Coffee Break
Session 2: The Role of National and Regional Language Institutes for Digital Language Equality
10:45 Panel discussion – Chair: Sabine Kirchmeier (President of EFNIL, Denmark)
11:30 Discussion
Session 3: ELE – The Pilot Projects and their results
11:45 Pilot Projects: Overview – Jana Hamrlova (Charles University, Czech Republic)
11:55 Short presentations of the Pilot Projects
12:30 Lunch Break + Project Expo
Session 4: European Large Language Models
13:30 To be announced soon!
14:40 Coffee Break
Session 5: National Language Technology Programmes in Europe
15:10 Language-centric AI in Europe 2023 – German Rigau (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
15:15 Spain: PERTE – Cristina Gallach (Special Commissioner for the Alliance for the New Economy of Language)
15:30 Additional national programmes to be announced
Session 6: ELE – LDS – EDIC: How are they related and how do they play together?
16:00 Presentation of the Language Data Space (LDS) – Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany)
16:10 Presentation of the Language EDIC (European Digital Infrastructure Consortium) – Thibault Grouas (Chief Policy Officer for languages in the digital environment, France)
16:20 The Future of Data Spaces: Beyond LDS & EDICs – Philippe Gelin (European Commission, DG CONNECT, Luxembourg)
Closing Session
16:40 Recap, Outlook and Closing Remarks – Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany)
17:00 Reception
18:00 End of META-FORUM